Wednesday, November 17, 2010

List of..Gratitude

It's always good to know there are things to be thankful for, and I have a list of what those things are. I keep it in a binder, in which I keep my journal, the sleeve. It's placed there so I will look at it every day and know that I still at least have something to be grateful for even when times are bad. Often enough, I don't write in this and then go through the list and realize "hey I do that..." now is one of those times.. there's not much I have to be thankful for at the present time but I do have the list that I am willing to share.
  1. oxygen
  2. roof over my head
  3. pillows
  4. friendships
  5. understanding
  6. creativity
  7. functioning brain
  8. electricity
  9. social interaction
  10. the internet
  11. food in stomach
  12. personality
  13. self respect
  14. having all five senses
  15. music
  16. technology
  17. I don't have schizophrenia
  18. my son
  19. all limbs intact
  20. the most wonderful man in the world

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