Wednesday, November 17, 2010

You don't owe me a mani..

It didn't hurt as bad as a pedi and if someone wanted me to get one again with them I probably would.This one was for my darling little sisters 1st and hopefully only wedding. I'm still worried about that one, anyhow...I'd never officially request a manicure. Just not my style. Random Quest accomplished. Achievement Gained

The Stupidest Thing I've done

It's been two months now, since I quit my job. I thought it would feel good, however, Jarrod quit not a day after and we're broke. Both of us are being bums on his cousin and I'm wishing that I still had my 9-5 fast food nonsense. I'm too scared to talk to people about schooling. I need to get the courage to do that. At least I wouldn't feel as much of a bum. Hopefully something good happens soon. No job, no prospects, the economy going to hell. It seems all is lost at the moment. I don't recommend this at all.

List of..Gratitude

It's always good to know there are things to be thankful for, and I have a list of what those things are. I keep it in a binder, in which I keep my journal, the sleeve. It's placed there so I will look at it every day and know that I still at least have something to be grateful for even when times are bad. Often enough, I don't write in this and then go through the list and realize "hey I do that..." now is one of those times.. there's not much I have to be thankful for at the present time but I do have the list that I am willing to share.
  1. oxygen
  2. roof over my head
  3. pillows
  4. friendships
  5. understanding
  6. creativity
  7. functioning brain
  8. electricity
  9. social interaction
  10. the internet
  11. food in stomach
  12. personality
  13. self respect
  14. having all five senses
  15. music
  16. technology
  17. I don't have schizophrenia
  18. my son
  19. all limbs intact
  20. the most wonderful man in the world

Oh Glorious HogFather... for hogswatch I want...

I remember it quite well : Jarrod and I headed into the local library in search of books to stimulate our minds, obviously being who we were, the first stop was the sci fi and fantasy sections. I managed to come upon the discworld series. Let me just tell you if you ever get a chance pick up the color of magic.. you too will be hooked. I once watched the movie and it was good but like all movies based on books " you never judge a book by it's movie."
It's been years since I first discovered Terry Pratchett's most amazing book series, and it wasn't until recently that I found out through the wonderful source of a geeky roommate that they made one of his books, "The Hogfather" into a movie. Needless to say as soon as I even heard of it. I made it a point to put it on my list as a must see before I die movie. For Christmas movies, to me. This one ranks just below the Nightmare before Christmas and just above A Christmas Story. It is a must have, and finally after months and months. I now own the Dvd version of The Hog Father"...and just in time for Hogswatch :)

Monday, November 15, 2010

I'm a zombie star!!!

Yes! I actually accomplished it :) I am in a movie! Not only am I in a it a low budget film, I'm in a movie as a zombie who gets shot! Beat that! :) Yay for accomplished goals! :) I never knew how much effort it would actually take to be a zombie. I'm so sore today but it was very worth it, and I'm glad I actually went through with it. Generally I'm shy when it comes to camera because I'm ashamed of my physical appearance but the running (uphilling) and then the falling, over and over. Getting shot about 12 times was a wonderful work out and when the movie comes out and I'm in the final battle I know that I'll be looking forward to this movie and seeing a lot of my friends and the memory of the time "that we were zombies in that one movie", is always going to be in my head. Chris mentions that it's going to haunt him for the rest of his life it "was that bad" but, even least I can say I was in a movie. Here's the trailer...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I'm weak

I don't know how they do it.. I didn't eat for 24 hrs. No food, to see what it was like...I kept waiting for my stomach to never did, which means I eat enough for my stomach to be fine for a complete 24 hrs, nothing more than a headache.. The first taste of mcchicken was heavenly however..Experiment one down...many more to good where food is concerned.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Have you ever been the only girl at a bachlor party?... I have

and I wasn't the stripper. Actually there was no stripper. Just the groom, myself, and the roommates. His wife,now wife anyways, is a little on the jealous side. We had planned for beer pong, we had planned for smallville, we got liquor and liquor tends to change your plans. it went from simple lets just chill to "lets see how many shots we can take." Eventually my night ended with the groom trying to zombie proof the house.

Pirate Party...

I did enjoy it..although as frau says, We went as fairies and came back as disco balls. Glitter was everywhere, it seemed there was a gigantic amount of fairy themed costumes that night and as a fae you must bring glitter. Ah..well it was worth it :)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Always a bridesmaid

I was hoping to get pictures to add to this but my impatience outweighs my patience, however I did manage to walk down the aisle and watch my younger sister get married this year. How I wasn't terrified, still shocks me, maybe it was the fact that it was all family, or maybe it was the fact that it was my little sister getting married and not me. I did however become a bridesmaid that day and that was something I'd always wanted to try