Monday, July 20, 2015

It's time for the next American Ninja camp!

If you asked me of the one thing I admire of the current first lady ( Mrs. Obama), it would be her Let's Move campaign.It seems like more and more playgrounds at the local parks have gotten geared towards physicality and movement.
 If you ask of one family friendly tv show that everyone sits down and watches together. In our household it's American Ninja Warrior. Not only do I admire the competitors, It's a bit of nostalgia for me...nostalgia of my uncle Lori's house. The two weeks I spent , in summer school admittedly, at his house because summer school wasn't offered in my school district. I would spend 4 hours a day going over material I knew in a classroom of other slackers..then my evenings would be spent around a kitchen table with my cousin going over materials again and then eating dinner while watching Sasuke. It was actually a very good summer for me.
 My son loves American Ninja Warrior because he knows it's a game and that you don't want to "fall in the water", and my husband likes the show because I do..and I think he's also a little envious of others strength.
  Going to local parks is one of my favorite pastimes and when my son was in speech therapy he had a school next door to a park that was being renovated. They finally opened it back up to the public at the end of last year and now he's all about "not falling in the water. I have to admit that it's awesome and I wish that I could play with him more. I have yet to lose more than 1 lb. putting me morbidly obese for my height but I am more active now and I know that I'm eating healthier so I'm not stressing as much  and I will be able to do more than just walk around taking pictures afraid ill break a rope. I did play with him just not as much as I'd like.

We saw a Narwals Horn!!

   For years, it had been on my list of things to do : Visit the Museum of Osteology. A bone museum? Sounds freakin' awesome! Deciding to home school actually allows more of my list to be accomplished than I'd realized. Looking back on my life. I'll have documented proof. Even in this poorly written blog that I have pretty much kept as a journal.
   My life has been better with my husband and son in it. We were able to compare skulls of primates to human anatomy, see what Giraffe bones look like, and (little man's favorite part) see how big a whale actually is.
   It wasn't a very large museum but the layout and the information was all there and wonderful.  A former Bill Nye the Science Guy dream come true. I
Another thing to happily mark off my list!