Friday, July 11, 2008

my comedy tragedy mask...

So after years of asking my mother to make me a comedy tragedy mask. I finally went to her shop while i was down there and made one on my's ironic how the first thing that I've ever made with my hands turned out to be something that could be so easy to make..ok so, maybe I did not use my own hands while cutting out the piece, but i drew the piece, painted the piece, and nailed the hanger on it..does that count? I hope it does cause the router scares.

Attend a revel...

well it's been awhile since I attended a revel so I thought I'd put it on my list of things to do, and this 4th of July weekend that's exactly what I did. I attended a revel, it was entertaining but it didn't have the same feel as my first revel and thats wat I'm missing. I want to go to a revel that's actually a revel.I want to see the firepit and watch the bellydancers, I want to hear bards randomly sing, I want to see torchlight fighting, when I first joined the sca there was a lot of that. not so much anymore and I miss it.